Theres always a reason to smile, you just have to find it.

Here are my reasons to be happy and things to love about my life:

I’m alive.

I’m healthy

Someone loves me very much and its God

Someone smiled me today.

Being unhappy is a waste of time.

I can afford three meals a day.

Bf wants to make you happy.

You’re about to fall in love like never before.

You have safe, pure, clean drinking water.

There’s something I can do better than anyone

When I really needed help, someone offered it to me unexpectedly.

You had fresh, clean, fabulous clothes to wear this morning.

Something you’ve been wanting just happened.

I smiled at someone and made their day.

I smell great and look amazing, Hmm.

I made a brave decision.

I am an angel to someone.

Rainbows make me happy.

I love shooting stars.

I’m stronger than I ever believed.

I believed in myself when no one else did.

Someone believed in me when I needed it most.

I have goals and dreams.

There are good people in the world.

Cooking / eating my favourite meal.

A real home. With people in it I love.

Someone brought cupcakes to me and gave me one.

I’ve travelled somewhere and had an amazing experience.

You know how it feels to have a crush on someone.

I have friends.

Love is your religion.

Kindness cures most everything.

I’ve committed to finding my passion & purpose in life.

I can go back to school and learn something new if you wanted. Or start a new hobby.

I’ve learned a lot, know myself better and continue to grow and expand.

I can see.







It’s never too late, as long as I am alive.

Someone is willing to listen to me right now.

I am powerful!

When I went out this morning, at least one person turned twice to look at me with admiration.

Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow never comes, today is all we have. So might as well be happy

In this moment, everything is perfect. Everything is as it should be.

You were once the recipient of a random act of kindness that made your heart sing.

My family and friends love and support you.

All it takes to start changing your life, is a change in perspective.

Reconnected with an old friend.

I am genuine

People trust me

Early morning runs

Live music

Great food

I made a mistake and apologised for it without getting defensive.

And yet, I really need very little to be happy.


Long showers

Listening music

Playing volleyball

When I’m nervous or scared, a few deep breaths really do make me feel better

If you made a list of all that’s good in your life right now, it would be as long as your arm.

I am are good enough



For no other reason than that you are you.

Being rewarded for being YOU.

My parents will always be there for me

Old friendships that are like my favourite pair of jeans

New friendships that feed my soul

More illnesses have cures today than ever before

When you’re happy, you live a healthier life. You could live to be a 100!

Happiness is contagious.

Love your life right now, for some day it will change and you’ll miss what you have now.

You are not alone in this world.

For every piece of bad news in the world, there is an equal amount of good news. Focus on that.

Happy people change the world, one smile at a time.

Play lightens your spirit, makes you feel and look younger and makes you come alive!

Some Quotes!

The smile is a universal sign of happiness. I believe it is the ultimate connection between all humankind. No matter how big or small, if a smile is genuine it creates an ineffable feeling in the atmosphere. I believe in the power of a smile to make the saddest of circumstances a little better. I believe in the power of a smile to enrich the happiest experiences in life. I believe in the power of a smile to transcend all barriers between individuals and to create special moments in life.

And this is all the reason why i smile, and always trust God because he is always have a reason why you are sad and makes you more happy

 Hope you liked this post 🙂

Thank you for reading!

Josephine Sevilla